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. 2022 Aug 16;36(9):951–975. doi: 10.1007/s40263-022-00940-2

Table 2.

Summary of studies on the use of midazolam for status epilepticus

Delivery route Study design n Age (years) SE types Dosage (mg) Seizure control (%) TEAE rate (%) Frequent TEAE (%) Ref.
MDZ PS, OLS 19 16–87 RSE 0.2a bolus then, 1 μg/kg/min 94.7 21 Pharyngeal hypersecretion [69]


vs. i.v. propofol

ReS 20 17–81 RSE 2–12 bolus, then 0.05–0.8a /h 67 [70]


vs. i.v. LZP

RCT, DB, MC 102 0–102 SE 10 73.4 Endotracheal intubation (14) hypotension (3) [48]
MDZ vs. i.v. LZP Secondary Analysis 120 0–17 SE 5–10 68.3 Inferior to LZP Intubation hospitalization ICU care [52]
MDZ vs. rectal DZP RCT 100 0–16 SE 0.3a 96 0 [74]
MDZ + p.o. PHT vs. p.o. CBZ PS, OLS 38 SE 15 84 Drowsiness [73]
MDZ OLS, SC 19 0–15 S, SE 0.3a 100 (AS), 50 (SE) [76]
MDZ (s.l.) OLS, SC 10 23–47 HV 10 [13]
MDZ vs. rectal DZP PS 22 25–68 SE 15.5 83.3 21 Tiredness ataxia [77]
MDZ vs. rectal DZP RCT, OLS, SC 18 5–19 S 10 75 Mild decrease in blood pressure [75]
MDZ OLS 175 12–62 RS 5–10 55 40–57 Nasal discomfort somnolence headache [80]
MDZ vs. placebo RCT, DB 292 12–65 RS 5 54 2) Nasal discomfort somnolence [197]
MDZ vs. i.v. MDZ OLS, CO, SC 6 27–47 HV 5 Temporary nasal irritation [58]
MDZ vs. i.v. LZP ReS, SC 50 38.6 (SD 14.0) S, RS 3 MDZ or 1–2 LZP No difference 30.4 MDZ Somnolence [84]
MDZ vs. i.v. DZP RCT 70 0–15 S 0.2a Inferior to DZP 0 [81]
MDZ vs. rectal DZP PS, RCT, SC 358 < 18 S 0.2a Not inferior to DZP Respiratory insufficiency (6) intubation (2) [14]
MDZ vs. rectal DZP PS, OLS 24 25–69 RS, SE, RSE 10 82 Drowsiness (68) local irritation 29) [83]

RCT randomized controlled trial, OLS open-label study, SC single-centre, MC multicentre, DB double-blind, PS prospective study, ReS retrospective study, CO cross-over, HV healthy volunteer, S seizure, RS repetitive seizure, SE status epilepticus, RSE refractory status epilepticus, TEAE treatment-emergent adverse event, i.v. intravenous, i.n. intranasal, i.m. intramuscular, p.o. oral, s.l. sublingual, MDZ midazolam, LZP lorazepam, CZP clonazepam, DZP diazepam, PHT phenytoin, CBZ carbamazepine

aMilligram per kilogram body weight (mg/kg BW)