Fig. 2. Contrasting disease outcomes of tomato individuals under pathogen pressure.
A Frequency distribution of bacterial wilt incidence of tomato, based on a meta-analysis. Tomato plant individuals were exposed to treatment with the pathogen-only, and certain individuals survived up to the end of the experiment. The dashed line indicates an average of 71.4%. B Progression of the bacterial wilt disease incidence of the 54 tomato plant individuals in this study. Soil sampling was ended 60 days after planting and the plants were incubated for one additional week to ensure that none of the symptomless plants developed wilt symptoms (67 days in total). IS initial stage, VS1 vegetative stage 1, VS2 vegetative stage 2, RS1 reproductive stage 1, RS2 reproductive stage 2. C R. solanacearum abundance in the stem crown tissue of healthy, latently infected, and diseased tomato plants at the end of the greenhouse experiment (67 dap). The shaded area shows mean ± standard error. Pathogen abundance in the stem crown tissue of latently infected and diseased tomato plants was compared based on a nonparametric Mann–Whitney test.