Flagellum biogenesis defects in Idh3b KO mice.A–F, immunofluorescent staining of axoneme and mitochondria in late-stage differentiating testicular tubule from mice at P50. Red, MitoTracker; blue, DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole); green, acetyl-α-tubulin. G, table of proteins as structural components for flagellum integrity. Ac-tubulin, acetyl-α-tubulin; AKAP82, A-kinase anchor protein 82 kD; ODF2, outer dense fiber of sperm tails 2. H, Western blot analysis of listed proteins in testis from HET and KO mice at P50. β-Actin is adapted from Figure 6 and reused as internal standard. I–Q, ultrastructure analysis of different pieces of flagellum from mice at P50. Arrowheads pointed toward the longitudinal column. R, a schematic of flagellum structures. HET, heterozygous.