Effect of extracellular Ca2+ removal on histamine-evoked Ca2+ signal in WI-38 human lung fibroblasts. (A) Typical recording of histamine-evoked Ca2+ signals in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ (0Ca2+). (B) Mean ± SE of basal [Ca2+]i in fibroblasts exposed to an extracellular solution with (dark green bar) or without extracellular Ca2+ (blue bar). Comparison between groups was performed using the t-Student test (* = p ≤ 0.05). (C) Mean ± SE of peak and plateau amplitudes of the Ca2+ signal evoked by histamine in fibroblasts expose to an extracellular solution with (dark green bar) or without extracellular Ca2+ (blue bar). Comparison between groups was performed using the t-Student test for peak amplitude data and Mann-Whitney test for plateau amplitude data (* = p ≤ 0.05). (D) Mean ± SE of the number of oscillations recorded during the first 400 s after histamine application in an extracellular solution with (dark green bar) or without extracellular Ca2+ (blue bar). Comparison between groups was performed using the Mann-Whitney test (* = p ≤ 0.05). The numbers in the figures represents the number of cells studied.