(A) Study Design. Structural MRI and the neuronavigation were performed alone in the first session. Afterwards, participants returned to the laboratory for four more sessions, in which different NIBS protocols were applied. TDCS and iTBS were applied concomitantly in all sessions. TDCS electrodes were applied bilaterally over the DLPFC and the iTBS coil was placed on the left DLPFC (over the anode). Baseline measures, adverse effect scale and the 2-back task were applied in all the four experimental sessions. (B) MRI-based computational modeling of tDCS and iTBS. For tDCS, we used a bilateral prefrontal montage with anode placed over the x-38, y+44, z+26 and cathode over the x+38, y+44, z+26, with a current of 2mA and electrodes size of 25cm². For iTBS, we centered the coil at the coordinates x-38, y+44, z+26 with 10mm from the scalp. Computational modeling was performed using SimNIBS (Thielscher et al., 2015).