FAC induced ferroptosis of CD140b positive mesenchymal stromal cells and promoted a-SMA positive myofibroblasts activation. (A–B) FACS analyses visualization of CD140b, S100A4 and a-SMA positive cell percentage in HEcESCs with FAC treatment (A) and statistical results (B) in different treated groups. (C–D) FACS analyses visualization of CD140b, S100A4 and a-SMA positive cell percentage in HEcESCs with FAC and DFO treatment groups (C) and statistical results (D) in different treated groups. (E–F) FACS analyses visualization of CD140b, S100A4 and a-SMA positive cell percentage in HEcESCs with FAC and Fer-1 treatment groups (E) and statistical results (F) in different treated groups. FAC can significantly decrease CD140b positive mesenchymal stromal cells percentage and increase a-SMA positive myofibroblasts proportion. (G) HEcESCs with different treatment groups were stained with antibodies against stromal cell markers. CD140b for mesenchymal stromal cells (green), S100A4 for fibroblasts (red), and a-SMA for myofibroblasts (green) to further identify the effect of FAC. Scar bar: 50 μm. Summary data are presented as the mean ± SEM. Significance in (B,D,F) was calculated using a Student t-test; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.