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. 2022 Sep 2;13:945836. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.945836



(A) Schematic of the experimental design. Day Zero is considered the beginning of the 6-OHDA-induced denervation of the dopaminergic neurons (the first stereotaxic surgery). Amphetamine-induced turning behavior was evaluated twice, on the 14th and 30th days post-lesion. Once the guide cannula had been implanted on the 15th day post-lesion (the second stereotaxic surgery), eight groups were obtained: vehicle + DMSO 0.01%; vehicle + LPI 10 μM; vehicle + CBD 10 μM; vehicle + CID160 10 μM; 6-OHDA + DMSO 0.01%; 6-OHDA + LPI 10 μM; 6-OHDA + CBD 10 μM; and, 6-OHDA + CID160 10 µM. The staircase test training was conducted ten days prior to the first stereotaxic surgery, with the motor alterations presenting in 6-OHDA-induced hemiparkinsonism then evaluated from the 15th to the 19th days post-lesion and the pharmacological effects of the drugs of interest then analyzed from the 28th to 30th days post-lesion. (B) The fine motor skills evaluated in the forelimbs ipsilateral and contralateral to lesion were pronation, grasp, supination I, and supination II.