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. 2022 Sep 15;17:360. doi: 10.1186/s13023-022-02512-5

Table 2.

Clinical, biochemical and molecular genetic features of AsymX patients are summarized in Table 2

Patient #/study ID/sex/diagnosis/age of diagnosis/current age Presenting symptom (age of onset)/other clinical features Initial investigations AC1,2,3/TC1,2,3/FC1,2,3/UOA/TRR% Molecular genetic investigations Outcome
1/2/M/CPT-I deficiency/neonatal/3yrs No N/NP/75.4/↑3-HIVA /NP HMZ c.1436C > T (p.Pro479Leu) in CPTIA Normal
2/5/F/CPT-I deficiency/6yrs/26yrs No NP HMZ c.1436C > T (p.Pro479Leu) in CPTIA Normal
3/8/M/CPT-I deficiency/45yrs/53yrs No NP HMZ c.1436C > T (p.Pro479Leu) in CPTIA Normal
4/9/F/CPT-I deficiency/neonatal/6yrs No N/N/117.75/NP/NP HMZ c.1436C > T (p.Pro479Leu) in CPTIA Normal echo (4yrs)
5/11/F/CPT-I deficiency/39yrs/48yrs No NP HMZ c.1436C > T (p.Pro479Leu) in CPTIA Normal
6/12/F/CPT-I deficiency/neonatal/2yrs No N/66.9/51.3/N/NP HMZ c.1436C > T (p.Pro479Leu) in CPTIA atrial septal aneurysm, PFO, ASD, PDA (1mo)
7/50/F/CPT-I deficiency/2yrs/3yrs No NP HMZ c.1436C > T (p.Pro479Leu) in CPTIA Normal
8/51/M/CPT-I deficiency/neonatal/5yrs No NP HMZ c.1436C > T (p.Pro479Leu) in CPTIA Normal
9/18/M/CTD deficiency/neonatal/7yrs No NP/NP/NP/NP/NP HMZ c.769C > T (p.Arg257Trp) in SLC22A5 Normal echo (5yrs)
10/19/F/CTD deficiency/32yrs/37yrs No NP/2.2/1.7/N/90.88 HMZ c.845G > A (p.Arg282Gln) in SLC22A5 Normal
11/24/M/CTD deficiency/neonatal/3yrs No N/6.4/4.2/N/NP HMZ c.845G > A (p.Arg282Gln) in SLC22A5 Hospital admissions (n = 2), normal echo (2yrs)
12/25/M/CTD deficiency/neonatal/3mo No NP/6.1/4.8/N/NP HMZ c.845G > A (p.Arg282Gln) in SLC22A5 Normal
13/22/F/CTD deficiency/38yrs/44yrs No/ fatigue (retrospectively at the time of diagnosis) NP/ < 2/ < 2/NP/NP HMZ c.248G > T (p.Arg83Leu) in SLC22A5 Normal echo (42yrs)
14/23/F/CTD deficiency/28yrs/40yrs No/ fatigue (retrospectively at the time of diagnosis) NP/ < 2/ < 2/NP/NP NP Normal echo (30yrs)
15/28/M/CTD deficiency/neonatal/6yrs No N/10.6/8.4/NP/NP CMP HTZ c.1463G > A (p.Arg488His)/c.424G > T (p.Ala142Ser)/c.136C > T (p.Pro46Ser) in SLC22A5 Normal echo (5yrs)
16/32/F/CTD deficiency/26yrs/33yrs No/ fatigue (retrospectively at the time of diagnosis) NP/10.1/5.1/N/NP

CMP HTZ c.364G > T (p.Asp122Tyr)/

c.505C > T (p.Arg169Trp) in SLC22A5

Normal echo (27yrs)
17/36/M/CTD deficiency/neonatal/9yrs No/ myalgia (8yrs) NP/NP/NP/NP/NP

CMP HTZ c.424G > T (p.Ala142Ser)

/c.1463G > A (p.Arg488His)

/c.1324GC_1325AT (p.Ala442Ile) in SLC22A5

Normal echo (6yrs)
18/38/M/LCHAD deficiency/neonatal/6yrs No/ RM (2yrs), retinopathy, myopathy (6 yrs)

C16OH = 0.73,

C18OH = 0.87,

C18:1OH = 0.54/N/N/N/NP

HMZ c.1528G > C (p.Glu474Gln) in HADHA Hospital admissions (n = 6), normal echo (6yrs)
19/39/F/LCHAD deficiency/neonatal/3yrs No/RM, myopathy

C16OH = 1.05,

C18OH = 0.91,

C18:1OH = 1.1/N/NP/NP/NP

HMZc.1528G > C (p.Glu474Gln) in HADHA Hospital admissions (n = 4), normal echo (3yrs)
20/53/M/LCHAD deficiency/neonatal/7mo Hypoglycemia (neonatal, but diagnosed prenatally) C16:1OH = 0.33, C16OH = 0.78, C18:1OH = 0.45, C18OH = 0.40/N/N/N/NP HMZ c.1528G > C (p.Glu474Gln) in HADHA Hospital admissions (n = 2), normal echo (12yrs)
21/40/F/VLCAD deficiency/neonatal/7yrs No/ RM, myopathy (3 yrs) C14:1 = 0.13, C14:2 = 0.06/N/N/NP/NP CMP HTZ c.1375dupC (p. p.Arg459ProfsX4)/c.1700G > A (p.Arg567Gln) in ACADVL Hospital admissions (n = 1), dilated ascending aorta in echo (6yrs)
22/43/F/VLCAD deficiency/neonatal/12yrs No/RM, myalgia (12 yrs) N/N/N/↑AA, SUA, SEA/NP

CMP HTZ c.848 T > C (p.Val283Ala)/

c.1375dupC (p.Arg459ProfsX4) in ACADVL

Hospital admissions (n = 1)
23/44/F/VLCAD deficiency/neonatal/9yrs No/ myalgia (4yrs) N/N/N/NP/NP

CMP HTZ c.779C > T (p.Thr260Met/

c.1733 T > C (p.Met578Thr) in ACADVL

Hospital admissions (n = 3), normal echo (7yrs)
24/46/F/CACT deficiency/4yrs/8yrs No

C16 = 0.85,

C18:1 = 0.83,

C18:2 = 0.25/N/


CMP HTZ c.897dupC (p.Asn300Glnfs*24)/c.269 T > G (p.Phe90Cys) in SLC25A20 PDA in echo (6mo)

Reference Ranges: Free carnitine1 7.3–30.4; Free carnitine2 18.6–55.0; Free carnitine3 25.3–57.0; Total carnitine1 14.0–47.0; Total carnitine2 24.9–72.1; Total carnitine3 32.5–73.6; C161 0.04–0.41; C162 0.03–0.22; C163 0.03–0.19; C16-DC1 < 0.06; C16-DC2 < 0.03; C16-DC3 0.03–0.09; C16-OH1 < 0.05; C16-OH2 < 0.04; C16-OH3 < 0.02; C18:11 0.04–0.20; C18:12 0.03–0.23; C18:13 0.03–0.26; C18:21 < 0.10; C18:22 < 0.12; C18:23 < 0.13; C18-OH1 < 0.03; C18-OH2 < 0.03; C18-OH3 < 0.02; C18:1OH1 < 0.02; C18:1OH2 < 0.03; C18:1OH3 < 0.02; C16:1OH1 < 0.27; C16:1OH2 < 0.11; C16:1OH3 < 0.03; C14:11 < 0.26; C14:12 < 0.28; C14:13 < 0.11; C14:21 < 0.10; C14:22 < 0.13; C14:23 < 0.11

1 Indicates reference range for age group newborn-2 months

2 Indicates reference ranges for age group 2 months-6 years

3 Indicates reference ranges for age group 18 years and up

3-HIVA 3-OH-isovaleric acid; AA adipic acid; AC acylcarnitines; ASD atrial septal defect; CACT carnitine acylcarnitine translocase; Car carnitine; CPT-I carnitine palmitoyltransferase I; CPT-II carnitine palmitoyltransferase II; CMP HTZ compound heterozygous; CTD carnitine transporter defect; Echo echocardiography; FC free carnitine; F female; HMZ homozygous; LCHAD long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase; MAD multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase; mo months; NB newborn; N normal; NP not performed; NR not reported; PDA patent ductus arteriosus; PFO patent foramen ovale; RM rhabdomyolysis; SEA sebacic acid; SUA suberic acid; TRR tubular reabsorption rate; UOA urine organic acids; yrs year(s); VLCAD very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase