Diagram of the best‐fitting structure of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI)‐10. All figures are standardized coefficients. Bi‐directional arrows between factors indicate inter‐factor correlations. Bi‐directional arrows looping onto NPI items indicate error variances (proportion of variance of the NPI item that is unexplained by the factor). Unidirectional arrows from factors to NPI items indicate factor loadings. (a) (top): The original five‐factor measurement model in Spalletta et al. (b) (bottom): The modified four‐factor Spalletta et al.’s (2010) model is presented as Model C in Table 3. AGI, agitation; AMB, aberrant motor behavior; ANX, anxiety; APA, apathy; DEL, delusions; DEP, depression; DIS, disinhibition; EUP, euphoria; HAL, hallucinations; IRR, irritability