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. 2022 Jun 27;18(4):e13389. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13389

Table 2.

Maternal and child health characteristics of the study participants (n = 168), stratified by HMS donor/recipient status

Recipients (n = 70) Donors (n = 98) Total (n = 168)
Maternal and child health characteristic N % N % N %
Singleton child* 66 94.3 98 100 164 97.6
Primiparous 37 53.6 51 52.0 88 52.7
Maternal age at the youngest child's birth*
Less than 18 years old 4 5.7 3 3.1 7 4.2
18–29 years 7 10.0 12 12.2 19 11.3
30–34 years 29 41.4 62 63.3 91 54.2
35–39 years 25 35.7 21 21.4 46 27.4
40 years or older 5 7.1 0 0.0 5 3.0
Maternal health complications
Had complications during pregnancy 17 24.3 15 15.3 32 19.0
Had complications during labour/delivery** 26 37.1 11 11.2 37 22.0
Considered the birth traumatic* 24 35.3 18 18.6 42 25.5
Ever experienced PP depression** 26 38.2 13 13.4 39 23.6
Ever experienced PP anxiety 28 41.2 39 40.2 67 40.6
Gestational age at birth
28–31 weeks 2 2.9 3 3.1 5 3.0
32–36 weeks 5 7.1 7 7.1 12 7.1
37+ weeks 63 90.0 88 89.8 151 89.9
Caesarean delivery 23 32.9 21 21.4 44 26.2
Employed at the time of child's birth 60 85.7 84 85.7 144 85.7
Parental leave situation
I reduced my hours or took unpaid leave 6 10.0 15 17.9 21 14.6
I took partial or fully paid leave 49 81.7 61 72.6 110 76.4
I stopped working 4 6.7 5 6.0 9 6.3
Parental leave duration
1–7 weeks 5 8.6 5 6.2 10 7.2
8–11 weeks 8 13.8 13 16.0 21 15.1
12–15 weeks 27 46.6 34 42.0 61 43.9
16–23 weeks 15 25.9 20 24.7 35 25.2
24+ weeks 3 5.2 9 11.1 12 8.6
Recipient child health characteristics
Child had a health issue (currently or in the past) 11 16.0
Child had a dietary allergy, sensitivity or intolerance (currently or in the past) 12 17.4
Child was diagnosed with tongue and/or lip tie 23 33.3

Abbreviations: HMS, Human milk sharing; PP, post‐partum.


p < 0.05


p < 0.0001.