Fig 3. IAV challenge of B6.ChrPWD consomic mice reveals a wide range of susceptibility phenotypes.
B6 control and B6.ChrPWD male and female mice were infected with sex-adjusted doses of PR8 as in Fig 2B. Significance of difference in survival between B6 and each consomic strain (male and female data pooled by strain) was assessed by Mantel-Cox test. (A) A bubble volcano plot showing significance of survival (-Log10(P)) compared with B6 plotted vs. % survival, across all consomic strains, with strains of interest labeled. The size of the circle indicates the total number of animals studied per strain (N), as indicated. (B) Survival analysis of B6 and consomic mice, with strains of interest labeled (male and female data pooled by strain). Complete data on survival analysis for each strain are presented in Table 1. (C) Comparison of survival between B6 and B6.Chr17PWD consomics, Chr17S (short) and Chr17F (full), (male and female data pooled by strain). ** signifies a P value of <0.01, as determined by Mantel-Cox test.