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. 2022 Sep 16;17(9):e0273050. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273050

Table 4. Sex-dependent DEGs mapping to the sex chromosomes.

Genes differentially expressed between males and females in: B6 mice only (B6; none in this category), ChrX.3 mice only (ChrX.3), or in both strains (both) which mapped to ChrX or ChrY, from the RNAseq data described in Fig 6. Direction of change: up indicates increased expression in males relative to females, down indicates increased expression in females relative to males. A cutoff filter of Padj = <0.05 was used to identify DEGs, without a fold change cutoff.

Gene Symbol Chr Direction in males Position on Chr (bp) Strain in which differentially expressed
Start end
Kdm6a X down 18,162,575 18,279,936 ChrX.3
Gm2223 X down 33,505,661 33,507,010 ChrX.3
Bgn X down 73,483,602 73,495,933 ChrX.3
Eif2s3x X down 94,188,709 94,212,651 both
Xist X down 103,460,373 103,483,233 both
Slc25a53 X up 136,981,116 137,038,302 ChrX.3
Kdm5c X down 152,233,020 152,274,535 both
Rps7-ps3 X down 152,909,505 152,910,155 ChrX.3
Kdm5d Y up 897,566 943,813 both
Eif2s3y Y up 1,010,543 1,028,847 both
Uty Y up 1,096,861 1,245,759 both
Ddx3y Y up 1,260,771 1,286,629 both