Estimates Sorted by Magnitude
Note: Dashed lines are unweighted means. Numbers indicate the study from which the estimates were derived. Study numbers by first author and dataset are: 1 = Magnuson, ECLS-K (1998); 2 = Claessens, ECLS-K (1998); 3 = Swain, Tennessee Pre-k; 4 = Ansari, NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development; 5 = Ansari, ECLS-K (1998); 6 = Bassok, ECLS-K (1998); 7 = Bassok, ECLS-K (2010); 8 = Jenkins, Head Start Impact Study; 9 = Jenkins, TRIAD study of Building Blocks Curriculum; 10 = Ansari, large U.S. county; 11 = Carr, NCEDL Multi-State Study of Pre-K; 12 = Han, NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development; 13 = Mashburn, Head Start Impact Study; 14 = Ou, Chicago Child-Parent Center Program; 15 = Pearman, Tennessee Pre-K; 16 = Carr, Family Life Project.