(A) The maximum negative peak pressure of TUS in an example session of 1 monkey shows the focus is within ACC (left) and anterior striatum (right). (B) Learning is slowed down (trials-to-criterion increased) after TUS in ACC in the gain-loss context (left, LMEs, p = 0.007) but not in the gain-only contexts (right, n.s.). Data represent means and the standard error of the mean. (C) Learning is slowed with higher cognitive load with a significant interaction in the gain-loss context (left, LMEs, p = 0.007) but not in the gain-only context (right, n.s., for the full multiple comparison corrected statistical results, see S1 and S2 Tables). (D) Marginally normalized trials-to-criterion is significantly higher with ACC-TUS in the gain-loss (GL) learning context at higher (2D and 3D) cognitive load (random permutation p < 0.05). Each cell is color coded with the mean value ± SE with a low to high value gradient from left to right. Values across learning blocks in each cell are normalized by subtracting the mean and dividing by standard deviation of all baseline learning blocks across all TUS conditions for each load and motivational context. The white rectangle indicates that learning in that TUS condition (x-axis) is different from other TUS conditions. White asterisks indicate that a cognitive load condition in a learning context in a TUS condition is significantly different from other TUS conditions. Black crosses (×) and asterisks mark significant interactions of cognitive load and TUS conditions. Black asterisks indicate significant main effects of TUS conditions and a significant difference between the TUS and the baseline (pre-TUS) conditions (for the TUS condition underneath the asterisks). Horizontal black lines indicate significant pairwise differences between TUS conditions. Data associated with this plot could be found at: https://figshare.com/projects/TUS_PlosBiology/144330. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; LME, linear mixed effect; TUS, transcranial ultrasound stimulation.