Barplot of predictive abilities (PAs) for protein content in leave-one-year-location-out (CV1, upper panel) and leave-one-breeding-cycle-out (CV2, lower panel) cross-validations. M2: line + genomic [SNPs] additive effect + spatial effect + line × environment interaction. M3 expand M2 by adding a genomic [SNPs] additive × ECs interaction. M4 expand M2 to the multi-trait case. M4-TA is the M4 using trait-assisted (TA) genomic prediction. M5 expand M3 to the multi-trait case. M5-TA is the M4 using TA genomic prediction. Black bars are the 95% confidence interval. Differences in the letter above the bar represent significant differences between models (P-value < 0.01). Green lines are the theoretical maximum PAs.