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. 2022 Sep 2;13:939448. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.939448


Posterior mean of variance components for protein content (%).

Models Main effect
l g s f gw
M1 (baseline) 0.076 (0.004)* 0.050 (0.002) 0.044 (0.002) 0.049 (0.001)
M2 0.032 (0.004) 0.069 (0.008) 0.050 (0.002) 0.044 (0.002) 0.049 (0.001)
M3 0.032 (0.004) 0.058 (0.007) 0.050 (0.002) 0.018 (0.002) 0.037 (0.003) 0.048 (0.001)
M4 0.033 (0.004) 0.067 (0.007) 0.050 (0.002) 0.045 (0.002) 0.048 (0.001)
M5 0.032 (0.004) 0.058 (0.007) 0.050 (0.002) 0.020 (0.002) 0.039 (0.003) 0.047 (0.001)

*The values between parentheses are the posterior standard deviation (PSD) of the estimates.

l line, g genomic [SNPs] additive effect, s spatial effect, f line × environment interaction, gw genomic [SNPs] additive × ECs interaction, Res. residuals.