Fig. 4. Correct self-organization is necessary for proper morphogenesis.
a, Time course of the assembly of ETX embryos stained to reveal E-cadherin (monochrome), Oct4 (red) and Gata4 (green). The bottom row of images are magnifications of the images above and show E-cadherin staining around a nascent cavity, as indicated by the dashed yellow lines. The dashed green line indicates the boundary between the ES and XEN compartment. Scale bar, 5 μm. b, Representative images showing Oct4 (red), Gata4 (green), E-cadherin (monochrome) and DAPI (grey) staining in day 4 cadherin OE ETX structures formed by combining E-cadherin OE ES cells with P-cadherin OE TS cells and wild-type XEN cells. ETX structures formed by combining wild-type cells were used as a control. Scale bars, 100 μm. c, Comparison and quantification of joined cavity formation in cadherin OE and control ETX structures. n = 361 (control group) and n = 253 (cadherin OE group). N = 5 for each condition. The data are presented as means ± s.d. Statistical significance was determined by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test. d, Representative image showing Oct4 (red), Gata4 (green), laminin (monochrome) and DAPI (blue) staining in day 4 cadherin OE ETX structures formed by combining E-cadherin OE ES cells with P-cadherin OE TS cells and wild-type XEN cells. ETX structures formed by combining wild-type cells were used as a control. Scale bars, 100 μm. e, Quantification of the structures that contained continuous or discontinuous laminin. n = 40 ETX structures per condition. N = 3. The data are presented as means ± s.d. Statistical significance was determined by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test. f, Self-organization principles in stem cell-derived ETX embryos. Differential expression of E-, K- and P-cadherins enables the sorting of ES (epiblast-like), XEN (VE-like) and TS (TE-like) stem cells. Wild-type ES cells with low E-cadherin expression and wild-type TS cells with low P-cadherin expression exhibited detrimental global sorting efficiency. This could be overcome by overexpressing E-cadherin in ES cells and P-cadherin in TS cells to increase the efficiency of ETX embryo formation. Proper morphogenesis, including cavity formation, basement membrane formation (purple) and symmetry breaking can only be observed in well-sorted structures. Numerical data are available as source data.