Table. 1.
Subfields of the hippocampal formation.
Name | Description |
Tail | In the posterior part of the hippocampal formation |
Subiculum | Divided into head and body; inferior part of the hippocampal formation |
Presubiculum | Divided into head and body; inferior medial part of the hippocampal formation between the subiculum and parasubiculum (Brodmann 27) |
Parasubiculum | Medial part of the hippocampal formation between the presubiculum and entorhinal cortex (Brodmann 49) |
ML | Molecular layer: divided into head, body, and intermediate region, which contains parts of the subiculum or cornu ammonis (CA) fields |
HATA | Hippocampus-amygdala transition area: superior medial part of the hippocampal formation |
GCMLDG | Granule cell and molecular layer of the dentate gyrus: divided into head and body; between the molecular layer and CA4 |
Fissure | Anterior medial part of the hippocampal formation; white matter structure |
Fimbria | Posterior superior part of the hippocampal formation; white matter structure |
CA4 | Cornu ammonis 4: inferior to the CA3 within the dentate gyrus |
CA3 | Cornu ammonis 3: superior to the dentate gyrus; includes CA2 |
CA1 | Cornu ammonis 1: anterior lateral part of the hippocampal formation |
Note. Description of the subfields of the hippocampal formation segmented with Freesurfer v7.2. For details on the segmentations, see Iglesias et al. [53].