Yun is required for GSC maintenance
(A) Schematic cartoon of the germarium. TF: terminal filament, CPC: cap cell; GSC: germline stem cell; CB: cystoblast; EC: escort cell; SS: spectrosome; FS: fusome; ISC: inner sheath cell; FSC: follicle stem cell.
(B) The schematic cartoon of yun reagents used.
(C) Vasa (red) and 3A9 (green) in control germarium (white ovals and arrowhead).
(D–F) Germaria of nos > yunshmiR (white and yellow arrowheads).
(G) 3A9 and Orb (red) in marked control clones induced from larva.
(H and I) 3A9 and Orb (red) in yun mutant mosaic germline clones induced from larva (white and yellow arrowheads).
(J) 3A9 in marked control clones induced in adult flies (white oval and arrowhead).
(K and L) 3A9 in yun mutant mosaic germline clones induced in adult flies (yellow ovals and white arrowheads).
(M) Percentages of the germaria carrying a marked WT or yun mutant GSC clone over time (2, 7, 14, and 21 days after ACI). Three replicates. Scale bars: 10 μm.