Cisplatin induces the expression of chemokines in a cGAS-dependent manner. (A-C) Mouse pancreatic (KPC) cancer cells were incubated with gemcitabine (Gem) or cisplatin (Cis) for 48 h. The expressions of IFN-β and CXCL10 were measured by qRT-PCR and ELISA. (D) Experimental design: cGAS-wild-type and cGAS-depleted mouse PDAC cells were exposed to drugs or dsDNA (cGAS inducer) for 48 h. The expression of chemokines was then quantified by qRT-PCR and ELISA. (E-G) Mouse pancreatic wild-type (WT) or the sgRNA-mediated cGAS-disrupted cells (cGAS-sgRNA) were transfected with dsDNA fragments for 48 h. The expressions of IFN-β and CXCL10 were measured by qRT-PCR and ELISA. (H-J) Mouse pancreatic wild-type (WT) or cGAS-disrupted cells were incubated with cisplatin for 48 h. The expressions of IFN-β and CXCL10 were measured by qRT-PCR and ELISA. (K-M) Wild-type mouse pancreatic cancer cells were incubated with gemcitabine. Eight hours post-treatment, cells were transfected with dsDNA fragments for 40 h. The expressions of IFN-β and CXCL10 were measured by qRT-PCR and ELISA. (N-O) Human pancreatic CFPAC-1 cancer cells were incubated with gemcitabine or cisplatin for 48 h. The expressions of CXCL10 and CXCL11 were quantified by qRT-PCR. Statistical analyses: data are means ± SEM of three separate experiments; some values (i.e., untreated cells) are similar for C, G, J and M; one-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test for A-C, E-O. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.