Methyl-TROSY of cysteine-tagged Syt1 C2B domain bound to nanodiscs and cis-SNARE complex nanodiscs. a Superposition of 1H-13C HMQC spectra of cysteine tagged at the S atom with 13CH3 (Cys-Me) (black contours), dC2B319-Me (cyan contours) and dC2B346-Me (red contours). b,c One dimensional traces taken along the 1H dimension at the 13C chemical shift corresponding to the 13CH3 of 7 μM dC2B319-Me (b) or dC2B346-Me (c) alone or in the presence of 14 μM PNDs and 1 mM Ca2+, or 14 μM cisSC-PNDs and 1 mM EGTA. The lipid compositions of PNDs and cisSC-PNDs were 82% perdeuterated PC, 15% partially deuterated POPS and 3% PIP2. SNARE complexes were anchored through the synaptobrevin TM region. All spectra were acquired in 6.1 hr (b) or 14.6 hr (c) using D2O was used as the solvent, and the three traces in each panel were plotted at the same vertical scale.