Fig. 7. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry analysis of SPACA6.
H-DXMS profiles of a SPACA6 and b IZUMO1. Percentage deuteration exchange was determined at indicated time points. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange levels are color coded in a gradient scale from blue (10%) to red (90%). Black boxes indicate areas of high exchange. The 4HB, hinge and Ig-like domain boundaries observed in the crystal structures are shown above the primary sequence. Deuterium exchange levels at 10 s, 1000 s, and 100,000 s are mapped onto a ribbon diagram overlayed with the transparent molecular surface of SPACA6 and IZUMO1. Portions of the structure with deuterium exchange levels below 50% are colored white. Areas above 50% H-DXMS exchange are colored on the gradient scale.