Table 4.
Adjusted cause-specific survival probabilities, expressed as percentages, for 1–5 years of follow-up post-diagnosis. Race- and ethnicity-specific estimates are shown for each summary stage (Localized, Regional, and Distant) of colon cancer. 99 % confidence intervals for the adjusted survival probabilities are also shown. Estimates were obtained while controlling for sex, age at diagnosis, tumor grade, year of diagnosis, and RUCC categories. Two significant three-way interactions were also included: race/ethnicity by stage by follow-up year, and stage by side by follow-up year, along with all two-way interactions required to build each three-way interaction.
Localized |
Regional |
Distant |
Years of follow-up | Race/Ethnicity | Estimate | 99 % CI | Estimate | 99 % CI | Estimate | 99 % CI |
1 | AIAN | 98.1 | (96.4–99.8) | 94.7 | (91.5–97.8) | 44.4 | (37.6–51.3) |
API | 99.1 | (99.2–100.0) | 99.0 | (98.2–99.9) | 45.4 | (38.5–52.2) | |
Hispanic | 100.0 | (99.2–100.0) | 98.7 | (97.6–99.7) | 48.2 | (41.5–54.9) | |
NHB | 100.0 | (99.2–100.0) | 97.8 | (96.7–98.9) | 42.0 | (37.1–46.8) | |
NHW | 100.0 | (99.3–100.7) | 97.2 | (96.5–97.9) | 44.5 | (41.7–47.3) | |
2 | AIAN | 97.0 | (95.0–99.0) | 89.0 | (85.1–92.9) | 26.9 | (20.5–33.4) |
API | 100.6 | (99.2–100.0) | 95.5 | (94.4–96.6) | 16.5 | (8.1–24.9) | |
Hispanic | 100.1 | (99.1–100.0) | 94.8 | (93.0–96.6) | 22.2 | (14.8–29.5) | |
NHB | 99.9 | (99.0–100.0) | 92.6 | (90.8–94.3) | 16.5 | (12.1–20.8) | |
NHW | 99.4 | (98.7–100.0) | 92.9 | (92.0–93.8) | 20.6 | (18.2–23.0) | |
3 | AIAN | 95.5 | (93.2–97.9) | 83.7 | (79.1–88.3) | 18.3 | (12.1–24.6) |
API | 99.9 | (99.1–100.0) | 91.4 | (89.8–92.9) | 7.5 | (0.8–14.1) | |
Hispanic | 99.3 | (98.5–100.0) | 89.5 | (87.2–91.8) | 9.1 | (0.3–17.9) | |
NHB | 98.9 | (98.0–99.9) | 85.6 | (83.3–88.0) | 7.6 | (4.8–10.3) | |
NHW | 98.7 | (98.0–99.3) | 87.9 | (86.8–89.0) | 12.1 | (10.5–13.8) | |
4 | AIAN | 94.1 | (91.7–96.6) | 78.5 | (73.3–83.8) | 13.7 | (8.3–19.1) |
API | 99.2 | (98.4–100.0) | 86.7 | (84.7–88.6) | 5.0 | (0.1–9.9) | |
Hispanic | 98.4 | (97.6–99.2) | 85.1 | (82.3–87.9) | 5.5 | (0.0–11.4) | |
NHB | 97.5 | (96.5–98.5) | 79.8 | (77.2–82.3) | 4.4 | (2.3–6.5) | |
NHW | 97.8 | (97.1–98.5) | 83.5 | (82.3–84.8) | 9.0 | (7.6–10.3) | |
5 | AIAN | 92.4 | (89.7–95.1) | 75.5 | (70.2–80.8) | 11.0 | (6.2–15.8) |
API | 98.4 | (97.5–99.2) | 82.6 | (80.6–84.6) | 4.0 | (0.1–7.8) | |
Hispanic | 97.4 | (96.5–98.2) | 80.6 | (77.7–83.4) | 3.9 | (0.0–8.3) | |
NHB | 96.0 | (94.8–97.2) | 74.9 | (72.1–77.7) | 3.2 | (1.4–5.0) | |
NHW | 96.7 | (96.0–97.5) | 79.7 | (78.4–81.1) | 7.6 | (6.3–8.8) |
AIAN: Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native, API: Non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander, NHB: Non-Hispanic Black, NHW: Non-Hispanic White.