Endoreplicated and non-endoreplicated fractions in the CR0040 Vanilla planifolia genome.
(A) The histogram represents the distribution of nuclei in V. planifolia nodal tissues according to the partial endoreplication state of cells, from 2C (green) to 4E (blue), 8E (yellow), 16E (orange), and 32E (gray). The disks below represent the endoreplicated (colored) and non-endoreplicated (black) DNA content for each class of nuclei, proportionally to their mass (pg). The lowercase f and p denote the respective DNA quantities of the F fraction (fixed proportion of the haploid genome that cannot endoreplicate) and the P fraction (part that participates in endoreplication). The mean and the standard deviation (SD) of the interpeak ratio have been indicated below the dotted arrows.
(B) F and P fractions and P/F ratio values obtained by flow cytometry and detailed for the P fraction for each nuclear class (2C, green; 4E, blue; 8E, yellow; 16E, orange; and 32E, gray).
(C) Theoretical F and P fractions expected from HiFi sequencing and from flow-cytometry data.
(D) Theoretical (dotted) and experimental k-mer coverages for F (black) and P (hatched) fractions.