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. 2022 Sep 16;51(8):3847–3870. doi: 10.1007/s10508-022-02397-2

Table 2.

Pearson correlations between household labor factors, average proportion of household labor, perceived dependence, perceived unfairness, and partner sexual desire for studies 1 (below the diagonal) and 2 (above the diagonal)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Finance .34*** .06 .18*** .20*** .15** .35*** .72*** .69*** .19*** .22***  − .15**
2. Life and social planning .42*** .24*** .16** .34*** .29*** .51*** .48*** .67*** .29*** .28***  − .23***
3. Cleaning .07* .15*** .20*** .42*** .62*** .42*** .05 .52*** .59*** .57***  − .20***
4. House and car maintenance .10* .10* .18*** .19*** .08 .31*** .31*** .41*** .31*** .23***  − .15**
5. Childcare and development .19*** .27*** .39*** .23*** .42*** .60*** .18*** .61*** .49*** .51***  − .32***
6. Meal planning .07* .19*** .43*** .13** .32*** .45*** .09 .56*** .41*** .41***  − .22***
7. Parenting logistics .18*** .37*** .37*** .14** .51*** .38*** .54*** .82*** .42*** .46***  − .34***
8. Household administration .42*** .21***  − .03 .14*** .17*** .10** .25*** .75*** .20*** .23***  − .19***
9. Average proportion of labor .54*** .59*** .56*** .44*** .67*** .57*** .70*** .49*** .52*** .53***  − .34***
10. Perceived partner dependence .27*** .39*** .44*** .32*** .50*** .35*** .36*** .16*** .61*** .75***  − .41***
11. Perceived unfairness .24*** .36*** .47*** .23*** .46*** .40*** .46*** .17*** .61*** .73***  − .31***
12. Partner sexual desire  − .18***  − .26***  − .14***  − .17***  − .35***  − .07*  − .28***  − .10*  − .34***  − .34***  − .25***

*Indicates p < .05. ** indicates p < .01, *** indicates p < .001