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. 2022 Sep 16;53(2):141–147. doi: 10.1007/s10879-022-09559-2

Table 1.

Overview of the DHSMP Outpatient Intervention – Adolescent Group

Session Goals Activities
1: How Social Media Content Affects Adolescents

1. Increase adolescents’ awareness of how social media affects self-image and relationships

2. Facilitate adolescents’ ability to recognize negative and positive social media content

1. Discuss and identify harmful social media content

2. Discuss how social media content reflects unrealistic standards

a. Complete “Filtered Images” activity

3. Discuss the effect of positive social media content

2: Motivations for Posting on Social Media

1. Facilitate adolescents’ ability to recognize their motivations for using social media

2. Educate adolescents about the consequences oversharing on social media

3. Help adolescents identify coping skills to prevent harmful social media use

1. Watch video describing social media oversharing and discuss consequences of oversharing

2. Identify and discuss motivations for creating different types of social media content

3. Discuss positive coping skills that can prevent harmful social media use

a. Play “Coping Skills Bingo”

3: Context of Social Media Use and Introduction to iSOLVE

1. Increase adolescents’ understanding of how context of social media use impacts their health and functioning

2. Facilitate adolescents’ identification of barriers to changing when and where they use social media

3. Facilitate adolescents’ use of a problem-solving framework to manage social media problems

1. Discuss different contexts in which adolescents use social media and potential negative consequences

a. Complete “Puzzle Competition” activity

2. Discuss barriers to adolescents decreasing their use of social media in specific contexts

3. Introduce iSOLVE problem-solving model

4: Social Media and Problem Solving 1. Enhance adolescents’ problem-solving skills related to improving social media practices

1. Review iSOLVE and model using the framework to generate solutions to social media problems

2. Lead adolescents in using the iSOLVE model to solve example problems

5: iSOLVE and Cyberbullying

1. Enhance adolescents’ capacity to reflect on their social media practices

2. Develop adolescent’s understanding of cyberbullying and how they can decrease it

3. Enhance adolescent’s problem-solving skills by practicing use of the iSOLVE model with caregivers

1. Discuss adolescent’s use of the iSOLVE model with their individual social media problems.

2. View video about cyberbullying and discuss how other adolescents are preventing harmful social media use

3. Lead adolescents and caregivers in practicing use of the iSOLVE model together

6: Privacy, Harm Reduction, and Personalized Social Media Use Plan

1. Develop adolescent’s ability to prevent negative social media experiences

2. Facilitate adolescents’ reflection on ways that they can improve their social media practices

3. Foster collaboration between caregivers and adolescents on social media use goal setting

1. Discuss use of privacy settings and counter-speech skills to prevent negative experiences on social media

2. Lead the development of Social Media Use Plans personalized to adolescents’ specific practices

3. Lead a discussion between caregivers and adolescents about improving social media practices