Expected negative impact (none) |
Expected negative impact due to employment of vulnerable groups: 1) cost of supervision/training; 2) financial risks due to productivity loss; 3) expected organizational adjustments |
No negative impact vs negative impact on at least one item |
NA |
Having a mission |
Employing people from vulnerable labor market groups is part of the mission statement |
Yes vs no |
NA |
General human resources skills
Employer-employee negotiations |
Employees can negotiate about 1) work and breaks; 2) working conditions and absenteeism |
At least one (totally) agree vs none |
α= 0.75 |
Personalization |
It is possible to personalize 1) work performance; 2) development/training; 3) task content and/or number of tasks |
At least one a (very) high degree vs none; |
α= 0.73 |
Employee autonomy |
Employees can decide 1) the work method; 2) the division of labor; 3) the working hours and breaks |
At least one (totally) agree vs none |
α= 0.79 |
Human resources practices |
Employability |
Employees are entitled 1) to invest personal employability budget; 2) to have regular performance and/or assessment interviews; 3) to promotions and career opportunities; 4) to education and training |
At least one scheme vs none |
NA |
Working conditions |
Employees are entitled 1) to commuting arrangements; 2) to human resources practices that lighten an employee’s financial burden; 3) for human resources practices allowing time for informal care; 4) to negotiate personal terms of employment |
At least one scheme vs none |
NA |
Organizing working hours |
Employees are entitled 1) to work part-time; 2) to flexible working hours; 3) to work from home |
At least one scheme vs none |
NA |
Health &vitality |
Human resources practices to maintain health and vitality are available |
Yes vs no |
NA |
Inclusive-related human resources skills
Hiring problems regarding vulnerable groups |
1) Unfamiliar with finding and recruiting people in vulnerable labor market groups; 2) people in vulnerable labor market groups do not apply at our organization |
No barriers vs at least one barrier |
NA |
Inclusive human resources practices |
Taking (or intending to take) the following actions: 1) creating workplaces for new contracts/tenders; 2) creating new workplaces from existing jobs; 3) providing work experience places, internships, and project-based learning; 4) hiring people in vulnerable labor market groups on a temporary basis (through agencies); 5) retrieving work lost to outsourcing and/or offshoring; 6) exploring with other employers in the region how to make work and tasks suitable for people with (employment) challenges or disabilities |
At least one human resources practice vs none |
NA |
Human resources compensation options |
1) financial compensation (premium deduction?) when hiring people over 50 years of age; 2) wage compensation in case of illness of hired unemployed people over 50; 3) no-risk policy in the event of illness and incapacity (for work); 4) grants for adjusting the workplace; 5) external coach (compensation for additional counseling at work); 6) trial placement for up to 3 months without having to pay wages; 7) wage dispensation for people that were disabled before the age of 30; 8) financial compensation or exemptions when employing people with a disability; 9) municipal wage grants. |
Having used at least one Dutch compensation scheme vs none |
NA |
Economic factors
Financial results |
The last two years. 1) productivity has been above average; 2) turnover has been above average; 3) profits/positive financial results have been above average |
At least one above average vs none |
α= 0.80 |
Economic identity |
Organization has a profit or a non-profit character |
Non-profit vs profit or combination |
NA |
Quality of production |
The last two years 1) the quality of our products/services has been above average; 2) customer satisfaction has been above average |
At least one above average vs none |
α= 0.75 |
Employment opportunity |
Current number of employees compared to two years ago |
Increased at least 5% vs stable or decreased |
NA |
Outstanding vacancies |
Outstanding vacancies |
Yes vs no or don’t know |
NA |
Type of work
Satisfaction with flexibility of employees |
1) Satisfaction with employability; 2) flexibility in working hours; 3) willingness to learn new things |
At least one to a (very) high degree vs none |
α= 0.78 |
Repetitive work |
Repetitive work as occupational risk factor |
Yes vs no |
NA |
Physically demanding work |
Physically demanding work (lift, push and/or pull) as occupational risk factor |
Yes vs no |
NA |
Emotionally demanding work |
Emotionally demanding work as occupational risk factor |
Yes vs no |
NA |
Operational work |
Proportion of operational work |
At least 70% operational staff vs less than 70% |
NA |
Work tasks suitable for people with (employment) challenges or a disability |
Work tasks in the organization are not appropriate for people with (employment) challenges or a disability |
No vs yes |
NA |