Fig. 1.
Analysis of the shape of the relationship between CRP and cancer outcomes using restricted cubic spline based on observational data. All P values in the figure are false-discovery rate adjusted P values. Adjusted for age, sex (female, male), ethnic (White, Asian, African, mixed background, unknown), education (no degree, degree, unknown), Townsend deprivation index, standing height, BMI, smoking status (never, previous, current, unknown), alcohol use (never, previous, current, unknown), physical activity (<600 MET/week, 600–3000 MET/week, ≥3000 MET/week), family cancer (no, yes), and assessment center. Additionally, adjusted for menopausal (no, yes, not sure, unknown), oral contraceptive use (never, ever, unknown), and hormone replacement therapy (never, ever, unknown) for female. CNS, central nervous system; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia