Fig. 1.
YY1 is elevated in PDAC and is positively correlated with a poor prognosis in patients with PDAC. A, B YY1 expression and survival plots in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAAD) provided by the GEPIA server ( For the expression plot (A), the threshold was set as follows: log2-fold change < 1, P < 0.01, and for the survival plot (B), the high and low expression groups were split by inter-quartile ranges, and the hazards ratio (HR) was calculated based on the Cox PH model. C Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of TMA. TMAs were incubated with anti-YY1 antibodies and stained with DAB and hematoxylin. YY1 expression in adjacent normal (n = 11) and malignant pancreatic ducts (n = 71) is shown at different magnifications (50 × , scale bar = 200 μm; 200 × , scale bar = 50 μm). D Quantitative analysis of YY1 expression in TMAs. Quantification of YY1 expression represented as average optical density (AOD). E Relative YY1 mRNA levels in PDAC and HPNE cell lines. F YY1 protein levels in PDAC and HPNE cell lines. G Statistical analysis of YY1 western blotting results (n = 3)