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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Sep 19.
Published in final edited form as: Gender Issues. 2021 Oct 3;39(3):291–319. doi: 10.1007/s12147-021-09291-6

Table 3.

Table of key outcome measures

Variable and measure Items Response set Example item (s) Scoring Reliability
NA Sexual Violence -PVS 1 0 = no
1 = yes
Not including horseplay or joking around, My partner made me do sexual things when I didn’t want to One item (α = .87)
Structural Dimension (wellness) Historical Oppression -HOS 10 0 = not at all
5 = a lot
As a result of historical events how much do you think members of your tribe have: taken out frustrations on each other and hurt each other through violence; Kept each other down Added: Total Scores 0–50 with higher scores indicating higher levels of historical oppression (α = .98)
Historical Loss—HLS (adapted) 16 0 = never
6 = several times a day
Please indicate how often you think of these. The taking of our land; Loss of respect for elders by our children and grandchildren Added: Total scores 0–96 with higher scores indicating higher perceived historical loss (α = .95)
Oppression—OQ 16 0 = not at all
3 = a great deal
My group is often looked down upon; We are treated as if we are inferior Added: Total scores 0–48, higher scores greater perceived oppression (α = .97)
Discrimination—EDS 5 0 = never
5 = almost everyday
How often are: You are treated with less courtesy than other people; threatened or harassed Added: Total scores 0–20 with higher scores indicating higher levels of perceived discrimination (α = .84)
Relational/Social Dimension Family Resilience FRI—Growing up 20 0 = no
1 = yes
Growing up (during the first 18 years of my life). Physical violence was not used or tolerated in my family; My family worked together to help each other around the house and to complete goals Added: Total scores 0–20 (α = .92)
Social/Community Support: SSI 17 1 = strongly disagree
5 = strongly agree
People in this community are willing to help & I have friends who let me know they value who I am Added: Total Scores 17–85 with greater scores indicating higher social and community support (α = .75)
Stressful life events—LEC 16 0 = no
1 = yes
Indicate whether this happened to you: Natural disaster; Transportation accident; Physical assault Added: Total scores 0–16 with higher scores indicating higher stressful life events (α = .84)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) 10 0 = no
1 = yes
Did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often Swear at you, insult you, put you down, or humiliate you? Added: Total scores 0–10 (α = .79)
Spiritual Spiritual Well-being—SHALOM 20 1 = very low
5 = very high
How important is developing a connection with nature; prayer life; meaning in life Added: Total Scores 20–100 with higher scores higher perceived spiritual well-being (α = .95)
Life Satisfaction—SWLS 5 1 = strongly disagree
5 = strongly agree
In most ways, my life is close to my ideal; I am satisfied with my life Added: Total scores 5–25 with higher scores indicating higher levels of satisfaction (α = .90)
Psychological Dimension Alcohol use: CAGE 4 0 = no
1 = yes
The extent a person thought they should Cut down, were Annoyed, Guilty, or had an Eye opener related to drinking/drug use Added: Scores of 2 or above clinically significant (α = .88)
PTSD—PC-PTSD 4 0 = no
1 = yes
Have had nightmares about it or thought about it when you did not want to? Tried hard not to think about it or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of it? Added: Scoring “yes” to any three times indicates a positive screen for PTSD (α = .87)
Psychological Resilience—CD-RISC 10 0=not at all true
4=True nearly all of the time
I am able to adapt when changes occur; Having to cope with stress can make me stronger Added: Total scores −40 with higher scores indicating higher levels of resilience (α = .94)

Ace = Adverse childhood events [30]; CD-RISC = Connor-Davidson Resilience questionnaire [22]; CAGE = (cut down, annoyed, guilty, and eye-opener) [28]; EDS = Everyday discrimination scale [20]; FRS = Family Resilience Inventory [15]; HLS = Historical loss scale [71]; HOS = Historical oppression scale [49]; LEC = Life events checklist [35]; PC-PTSD = Primary care PTSD screen [56]; PVS = Partner victimization scale [38]; OQ = Oppression questionnaire [66]; SHALOM = Spiritual health and life orientation measure [31]; SSI = Social Support Index [47]; SWLS = Satisfaction with life scale [24]