Fig 6. TFs with AT rich motifs are overrepresented in risk-associated enhancers and have neurodevelopmental functions.
A) Positive association between the AT-richness of a given TF binding site motif and the effect size in the RWAS model. B) Higher median motif AT percentage of a given TF is positively associated with the TF being annotated to the Gene Ontology term “cell morphogenesis during neuron differentiation”. C) TFs with higher median Z-score in the RWAS analysis are more likely to be annotated to “cell morphogenesis during neuron differentiation.” Grey dashed line is the median value of the background set of all TFs in our dataset. D) Cell type-specific expression in the prenatal human brain for TFs that recognize positively associated motifs in the schizophrenia RWAS analysis. The displayed TFs recognize a motif with an RWAS Z-score > 3 in a brain enhancer. Each cell is colored by expression Z-scores averaged across the specified cell type.