Fig 9. Segregation indices obtained from the simulation shown for a range of cell type ratios.
For each simulation we use 1002 cells, periodic boundary conditions, db = 0, β* = 3, and a random mixture as initial configuration. For comparability, the time scale of migration τ of each simulation is set such that all simulations reach segregation indices γ0 and γ1 with γ0N0 = γ1N1 = 500 at dimensionless time . Every color represents a specific cell type ratio, while each cell type ratio was simulated five times. Panel A shows the raw data of the simulations. The black lines correspond to an even cell type ratio, for which both segregation indices match, while for uneven ratios the segregation index of the more abundant cell type is below the black line and the other above. Panel B shows the same data where each segregation index γi is rescaled to a segregation index at an even ratio according to .