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. 2022 Sep 19;17(9):e0274484. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0274484

Table 1. Characteristics of the study population in Hospital Universitario San Ignacio (Retrospective cohort and seroprevalence study).

March 6, 2020 to February 12, 2021.

Participant Characteristics n (%)1
Sex (n = 2597)
    Female 1940 (74.7%)
    Male 657 (25.3%)
Age (years), (n = 2597)
    < 35 1377 (53.0%)
    35–44 772 (29.7%)
    ≥ 45 448 (17.3%)
Type of occupation (n = 2597)
    Direct patient care 2026 (78.0%)
    Administrative 571 (22.0%)
Type of direct patient care worker (n = 2026)
    Medical specialist 327 (16.1%)
    Resident 242 (11.9%)
    General physician 49 (2.4%)
    Nurse 326 (16.1%)
    Nurse assistant 674 (33.3%)
    Bacteriologist 67 (3.3%)
    Respiratory therapist 30 (1.5%)
    Nutritionist 10 (0.5%)
    Other 301 (14.9%)
Main Service (n = 2585)
    Administrative departments 373 (14.4%)
    Emergency room 392 (15.2%)
    General wards 711 (27.5%)
    ICU2 266 (10.3%)
    Surgical Areas 285 (11.0%)
    Ambulatory and diagnostic services 558 (21.6%)
Adequate use of PPE3 (n = 2548)  
    Yes 2482 (97.4%)
    No 66 (2.6%)
Type of respiratory protection (n = 2536)
    Cloth mask 100 (3.9%)
    Surgical mask 1006 (39.7%)
    N-95 respirator 1430 (56.4%)
History of close contact4 (n = 2523)
    Yes 1219 (48.3%)
    No 1304 (51.7%)
Type of close contact5 (n = 1215)
    Outside of the work environment 289 (23.8%)
    Work area 863 (71.0%)
    HUSI wellness area 63 (5.2%)
Type of work (n = 2548)
    Remote work 304 (11.9%)
    Non-remote work 2244 (88.1%)
COVID-19 work6 (n = 2546)
    Yes 1342 (52.7%)
    No 1204 (47.3%)
Shift (n = 2549)
    Day shift 1690 (66.3%)
    Night shift 859 (33.7%)
Type of transportation7 (n = 2526)
    Unshared 1235 (48.9%)
    Shared 1291 (51.1%)
Work in more than one institution (n = 2540)
    Work at only one institution 2301 (90.6%)
    Work at two or more institutions 239 (9.4%)
Smoking in the previous year8 (n = 2516)
    Yes 317 (12.6%)
    No 2199 (87.4%)
Influenza vaccination in the previous year9 (n = 2482)
    Yes 974 (39.2%)
    No 1508 (60.8%)
Body Mass Index (kg/m2), (n = 2514)
    Low or normal (<25) 1503 (59.8%)
    Overweight (25.0–29.9) 826 (32.9%)
     Obesity (≥30) 185 (7.4%)
Comorbidities10,11 (n = 2525)
    Any comorbidity 427 (16.9%)
    Arterial Hypertension 129 (5.1%)
    Hypothyroidism 111 (4.4%)
    Asthma 88 (3.5%)
    Autoimmune Disease 30 (1.2%)
    Cancer 12 (0.5%)

1Column-based percentages.

2ICU, Intensive Care Unit.

3PPE, personal protective equipment. Complete use of PPE since March 2020.

4HCWs who were less than 6 feet away from a SARS-CoV-2-infected person (laboratory-confirmed or a clinical diagnosis) for a total of 15 min without PPE, at any time since March 2020.

5This category only applies to HCWs with close contact history.

6HCWs who worked in the COVID area any time since March 2020.

7Shared transportation was defined as the use of any public or collective transport.

8History of smoking in the previous year.

9History of influenza vaccination in the previous year.

10Self-reported pre-existing medical condition.

11These categories are not mutually exclusive. HCW, healthcare worker.