(A) Schematic diagram of Thpok and mutants thereof. The Thpok BTB domain and zinc finger motifs are depicted by red and purple boxes; the Leucine Zipper sequence (LZ) by the orange box. *: R389G mutation in the ThpokHD mutant (22).
(B) Immunoblot analysis of anti-Flag immunoprecipitates (left panel) or whole cell lysates (right panel) from HEK293T cells transfected with control vector (pcDNA3, Ctrl), Flag-tagged Thpok, Thpok-HD, ΔBTBLZ or Thpok-ΔC. Protein blots were probed with antibodies as indicated. Data are representative of more than three independent experiments.
(C) Expression of CD4 and CD8 in indicated thymocyte and splenocyte subsets from Thpokfl/fl
Cd4-Cre+ mice expressing the indicated Thpok-derived transgene or no transgene (−).
(D) Numbers of CD44lo TCRβhi CD24lo CD4+ SP thymocytes (top) and of CD44lo TCRβhi CD4+ splenocytes (bottom) in mice shown in (C).
(E) Expression of transgenic Thpok or ΔBTBLZ in CD4+ CD8int TCRβhi CD69+ thymocytes was assessed by intra-cellular staining and flow cytometry and is presented relative to that of Thpok-expressing CD4+ CD8int TCRβhi CD69+ thymocytes in Thpokfl/fl
Cd4-Cre− littermates (Ctrl), set as 1 in each experiment.
(F) Overlaid histograms show expression of transgenic ΔBTBLZ in TCRβhi CD24lo CD4−CD8+ thymocytes from Thpokfl/fl
Cd4-Cre+ ΔBTBLZ+ mice (plain line) and of endogenous Thpok in CD4+ or CD8+ SP thymocytes from Thpokfl/fl
Cd4-Cre− (Ctrl) littermates (dotted line and grey-shaded trace, respectively).
Data (C-F) are representative of 4 independent experiments totaling n= 7 (Thpokfl/fl
Cd4-Cre−), 12 (Thpokfl/fl
Cd4-Cre+), 8 (Thpokfl/fl
Cd4-Cre+ Thpok transgenic) or 14 (Thpokfl/fl
Cd4-Cre+ ΔBTBLZ+) mice. One-way ANOVA followed with Tukey multiple comparison tests. ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001. Error bars indicate standard deviation.