Table 3.
Table of Associations – with Poor Mental Health
Depression/depressive symptoms | Depression and anxiety / poor MWB | Negative affect/low levels of wellbeing/distress | Anxiety | Paranoia | Self harm | Suicide risk (behaviour)/ideation/attempt | Mental health problems/ use of MH services | Loneliness | Percieved stress | Attachment anxiety /avoidance | Dysfunctional coping / negative engagement | |
VULNERABILITIES | ||||||||||||
< 21 |
SS** [47] OR 1.8 [40] |
NS [60]/ NS [63] |
NS [40] | NS [47] |
NS [47] OR 0.5 |
NS/ OR 2.02 [50] > 21 * [40] |
-0.27 [42] | |||||
LGBTQ (bi vs mono) | SS** [68] | OR 1.4* [33] | OR 1.5** [33] | OR 1.6** [33] | ||||||||
Non heterosexual | OR 2.2** [40] | OR 2.5** [40] | OR 4.5*** [40] | OR4.2*** [40] | ||||||||
Trans vs cis | OR 3.0*** [33] | OR 2.4*** [33] | OR 2.8*** [33] / 3.3*** [33] | |||||||||
LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual) | OR 1.9* [64] | OR 2.5* [64] | ||||||||||
Ethnicity* | SS** [47] |
NS [60] /NS [63] |
NS [60] | NS [60] | ||||||||
Gender (women compared to men) |
β 0.09** [60] |
/NS [63] | β 0.11** [60] | NS [60] | OR 4.0*** [33] | OR 1.3* [33] | OR 2.5** [33] /OR 2.2*** [33] | |||||
Family history of depression | SS*** [47] | |||||||||||
Previous MH problems | SS*** [47] | SS*** [68] | ||||||||||
Eating disorders | OR 5.3* [51] | |||||||||||
Childhood deprivation | β 0.1** [60] | β 0.1** [60] | NS [60] | |||||||||
Childhood trauma* |
β 0.1** [60] SS *—** [40] |
β 0.2*** [60] SS ** [40] |
β 0.2*** [60] | SS ** [40]SS**[50] | SS ** [40]SS**[50] | |||||||
Sexual abuse | OR 1.8** [33] | OR 2.1*** [33] | OR 2.3*** [33] /OR 2.0*** [33] | |||||||||
Other abuse or violence | OR 2.6*** [33] | OR 2.4*** [33] | OR 1.8*** [33] /OR 2.1*** [33] | |||||||||
Parental over control x stress | NS [40] | OR 1.1*** [40] | OR 1.1* [40] | NS [40] | ||||||||
Parental over protection x stress | NS [40] | NS [40] | NS [40] | NS [40] | ||||||||
Parental over indulgence x stress | OR 1.1*** [40] | OR 1.1*** [40] | OR 1.1* [40] | |||||||||
Attachment anxiety | NS [42] | |||||||||||
Attachment avoidance | NS [42] | |||||||||||
Perceived parental acceptance | SS** [59] | |||||||||||
Having a disability | β 0.14** [63] | β 0.1* [63] | β 0.14** [63] | |||||||||
Social problem solving | β 0.5** [35] | |||||||||||
Autism spectrum | β 0.4** [34] | r 0.5*** [56] | / SS*** [56] | |||||||||
BUFFERS | ||||||||||||
Response to stress and change | ||||||||||||
Self-efficacy/emotional intelligence/ Self compassion/ Adaptability/ Resilience | -SS*** [41] |
-SS** [41] r -0.1* [58] |
-SS** [41] NS [42] r -0.3*** [43] |
r -0.6** [48] | -SS** [41] |
r -0.1* [69] |
NS [43]// r 0.27* [42] |
/// r -0.6*** [39] |
Optimism, Hope |
r -0.3** [43] r -0.2** [43] |
Leisure coping beliefs | r 0.1* [54] | |||||||||||
Engagement in physical activity | r -0.6** [66] | |||||||||||
Self image | ||||||||||||
Self-esteem, | SS* [64] |
SS* [64] NS [64] |
Body image concerns | OR 2.9 (2.2 to 3.9) [29] | OR 1.3NR [29] | ||||||||||
Developing social networks | ||||||||||||
Maintained social capital/ bridging social capital/ Bonding capital |
r -0.6** [65] |
Belongingness | r-0.02* [64] | |||||||||||
Controlling self talk | r 0.2* [49] | r 0.3** [49] | ||||||||||
Attitudes to mental health | ||||||||||||
Mental health literacy | NS [68] | |||||||||||
Negative attitudes to mental illness | 0.11*** [48] | |||||||||||
University factors | ||||||||||||
Good induction | -0.6** [65] | |||||||||||
Good experience and understanding of lecture | -SS* [49] | -SS* [49] | ||||||||||
Triggers | ||||||||||||
Stress | r 0.5** [43] | |||||||||||
Exams | 0.2 [60] | 0.27* [42] | ||||||||||
Loneliness/ social isolation/ thwarted belongingness |
r 0.4*** [60] r 0.4*** [62] |
r0.4*** [60] r 0.4*** [62] |
r 0.4**** [60] |
r 0.9* [60] SS* [64] |
SS* [64] | r 0.4*** [62] | -SS** [41] | |||||
Relationship difficulties with: 1) parents 2) partners 3) friends |
OR 0.5* [51] OR 0.5* [51] OR 2.6* [51] |
Body image concerns | OR 2.9*** [29] | |||||||||||
Financial factors |
NS [47] NS (T4) [35] SS** [63] β 0.3*** [60] |
/SS* [83] OR 0.5* [84] NS (T4) [35] |
NS (T4) [35] SS** [63] β 0.3*** [60] |
NS [51] |
NS (T4) [35] SS** [63] |
Poor living conditions | SS** [60] | SS** [60] | NS [51] | |||||||||
RED FLAGS | ||||||||||||
Dysfunctional coping | NS [42] | |||||||||||
Unbalanced/unhealthy diet | SS*** [28] | OR 1.7* [84] | SS*** (females only) [28] | |||||||||
Lack of help seeking | OR 3.7** [84] | |||||||||||
Problem drinking |
OR 1.03***/ 1.02*** [31] |
/SSNR [38] | ||||||||||
Poor sleep quality | SS*** [45] | |||||||||||
Physical activity | r-0.6** [66] | r-0.6** [66] |
***p < 0.001 **p < 0.01 *p < 0.05
aThe association between variables were analysed differently in the papers and reported differently. They have included measuring the correlation, hierarchical regression analyses and also calculating the odds of the outcome occurring between groups. This table indicates which studies have measured and reported these associations. Where the reported outcome is measured over several time points, or by gender but remains statistically significant the association is recorded as ‘statistically significant’ (SS). If the value is not reported but is described as statistically significant, then ‘SS’ is also used
Correlations and associations are positive unless indicated with a -
OR Odds ratio, SS Statistically significant, NS Statistically non-significant T Time (follow-up point) B: NR: p value not reported r = correlation coefficient association statistic β = standardized beta which works similarly to a correlation coefficient
Β and r will range from 0 to 1 or 0 to -1, depending on the direction of the relationship. The closer the value is to 1 or -1, the stronger the relationship