Table 1.
Cc RDV = A(RDV Central compartment)/Vdc RDV |
Cp RDV = A(RDV Peripheral compartment)/Vdp RDV |
Cc GS‐774277 = A(GS‐774277 Central compartment)/Vdc GS‐774277 |
Cp GS‐774277 = A(GS‐774277 Peripheral compartment)/Vdp GS‐774277 |
Cc GS‐441524 = A(GS‐441524 Central compartment)/Vdc G GS‐441524 |
Cp GS‐441524 = A(GS‐441524 Peripheral compartment)/Vdp GS‐441524 |
(RDV Central compartment) = (Input) + (QRDV × Cp RDV) − (QRDV × Cc RDV) − (CLRDV × Cc RDV) − (CLmc GS‐774277 × Cc RDV) |
(RDV Peripheral compartment) = (QRDV × Cc RDV) − (QRDV × Cp RDV) − (CLmp GS‐774277 × Cp RDV) |
(GS‐774277 Central compartment) = (CLmc GS‐774277 × Cc RDV) + (QGS‐774277 × Cp GS‐774277) − (QGS‐774277 × Cc GS‐774277) − CLGS‐774277 × Cc GS‐774277) − (CLmc GS‐441524 × Cc GS‐774277) |
(GS‐774277 Peripheral compartment) = (QGS‐774277 × Cc GS‐774277) + (CLmp GS‐774277 × Cp RDV) − (QGS‐774277 × Cp GS‐774277) |
(GS‐441524 Central compartment) = (CLmc GS‐441524 × Cc GS‐774277) + (QGS‐441524 × Cp GS‐441524) − (CLGS‐441524 × Cc GS‐441524) − (QGS‐441524 × Cc GS‐441524) |
(GS‐441524 Peripheral compartment) = (QGS‐441524 × Cc GS‐441524) − (QGS‐441524 × Cp GS‐441524) |
Ordinary differential equation pharmacokinetic behavior model was developed based on mean concentration data obtained from phase I clinical trials, where remdesivir was administered in different doses as single-dose 2-h intravenous infusion in healthy subjects. DA/DT represents the change rate of drug amount in the respective compartment. Cc concentration in the central compartment; Cp concentration in the peripheral compartment; A the amount of a substance at a time; CL total body clearance; Vdc and Vdp the volume of distribution for central and peripheral compartments, respectively; Q inter-compartmental clearance; CLm formation clearance of metabolites