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. 2022 Sep 19;13:5485. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32993-8

Table 1.

Wild-type V-Csn data collection statistics*

V-Csn apo1 V-Csn apo1 Br-SAD V-Csn apo2
Space group C2 C2 C2
Resolution range (Å) 37.2-0.89 (0.91-0.89) 37.2-1.60 (1.63-1.60) 38.1-1.35 (1.37-1.35)
Unit cell
   -a, b, c (Å) 108.84, 47.63. 45.55 108.66, 47.53. 45.62 163.30, 46.00. 73.56
   - β (°) 97.8 97.9 92.3
Mathews coefficient


(49.7% solvent)


(49.6% solvent)


(57.4% solvent)

Molecules in the A.U. 1 1 2
Reflections (observed/unique) 1148940/174574 400825/30343 803185/117982
Rmeas # (%) 0.093 (1.265) 0.107 (0.597) 0.060 (1.166)
Rpim # (%) 0.036 (0.549) 0.029 (0.192) 0.023 (0.454)
I/σ 11.4 (1.6) 19.8 (4.3) 16.1 (1.5)
Completeness (%) 99.1 (91.3) 99.2 (90.6) 98.4 (95.4)
CC½ $ 0.998 (0.609) 0.999 (0.896) 1.0 (0.847)
Multiplicity 6.6 (5.0) 13.2 (9.3) 6.8 (6.3)
Wilson B (Å2) 5.3 12.4 15.4
Anomalous completeness - 99.0 (89.5) -
Anomalous multiplicity - 6.7 (4.7) -
CCanom & - 0.415 -
MSAN ± - 1.40 -

*Numbers in parentheses relate to the highest resolution shell. #Rmeas is the redundancy-independent merging R factor and Rpim is the precision-indicating merging R factor71. $Percentage of correlation between intensities from random half-sets of data72. &Correlation of ΔIanom from two random half-sets73. ±MSAN is the mid-slope of the anomalous normal probability plot. Values >1 indicate significant anomalous signal73.