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. 2022 Sep 19;13:5485. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32993-8

Table 3.

V-Csn mutant data collection and refinement statistics*

V-Csn-D148N V-Csn-E157Q V-Csn-E157Q-chitohexaose
Data Collection
Resolution range (Å) 37.2-1.20 (1.22-1.20) 37.1-1.15 (1.17-1.15) 37.1-1.30 (1.32-1.30)
Unit cell
   - a, b, c (Å) 108.76, 47.45. 45.43 108.58, 47.43. 45.46 108.94, 47.42, 45.40
   - β (°) 98.0 97.9 97.8
Reflections (observed/unique) 471537/70261 546974/76188 372782/55448
Rmeas (%)# 0.071 (0.702) 0.050 (0.361) 0.090 (0.964)
Rpim (%)# 0.027 (0.285) 0.019 (0.135) 0.034 (0.380)
I/σ 16.1 (2.6) 22.1 (5.1) 11.7 (1.8)
Completeness (%) 98.1 (88.4) 94.0 (88.5) 97.8 (87.9)
CC½ $ 0.999 (0.970) 1.0 (0.964) 0.999 (0.837)
Multiplicity 6.7 (5.7) 7.2 (7.0) 6.7 (6.0)
Wilson B (Å2) 8.9 7.1 11.3
Reflections used, total/free 70244/3400 76177/3757 55326/2759
Working R-factor/Rfree& 0.1251/0.1489 0.1185/0.1350 0.1319/0.1640
Total atoms
   - protein 1742 1762 1731
   - solvent 310 300 330
B factors
   - protein (Å2) 10.6 9.24 12.5
   - solvent (Å2) 28.7 26.2 28.2
rms deviations
   - bonds (Å) 0.005 0.005 0.005
   - angles (°) 0.892 0.914 0.864
Ramachandran plot±
   - preferred regions (%) 98.2 98.2 98.2
   - outliers 0 0 0
Molprobity score± 0.97 (99th percentile) 0.61 (100th percentile) 1.05 (99th percentile)

*Numbers in parentheses relate to the highest resolution shell. In all cases the crystals are isomorphous with V-Csn apo1 crystals. #Rmeas is the redundancy-independent merging R factor and Rpim is the precision-indicating merging R factor71. $Percentage of correlation between intensities from random half-sets of data73. &Rfree was calculated with 5% of the reflections. ±Calculated by MOLPROBITY74.