(A-H) Male and female aged mice, n=5-7/group. (A, C) Motor function performance at 1 day and 3 days of reperfusion measured by rotarod test and (B, D) beam walk test. (E, G) Representative cresyl violet–stained serial sections (F, H) and infarct volume at 3 days reperfusion. (I-K) Diabetic male and female mice, n=5–8/group. (I) Motor function measured by amount of time taken to remove adhesive from forepaw at 3 days of reperfusion. (J) Representative cresyl violet–stained serial sections (K) and infarct volume at 3 days reperfusion. (L-N) Hypertensive male and female mice, n=5/group. (L) Neuroscore at 24h of reperfusion. (M) Representative cresyl violet–stained serial sections (N) and infarct volume at 3 days reperfusion. p<0.05 compared to saline group (*) by Mann-Whitney test.