Multidimensional social network of interspecific relationships across contexts and time
The graphs show gorillas (green-colored nodes) and chimpanzees (rose-colored nodes) encountered in parties together while cofeeding on Ficus from 2014 to 2016, cofeeding on Ficus from 2017 to 2020, in other social contexts from 2017 to 2020, and aggregated across all contexts from 2014 to 2020. Node size is scaled to layer-specific eigenvector centrality (larger nodes indicate greater network importance) and shaded darker with age. Edge widths are scaled to the strengths of gorilla-chimpanzee dyadic relationships (thicker lines indicate stronger relationships). Horizontal lines across these network layers connect nodes that represent the same individual across all contexts. Overall, the integrated structure of these networks across time and contexts highlights the consistency in relationships between chimpanzees and gorillas.