Transcription profiles of IgWRKY32. (A) Organ expression assay of IgWRKY32 in different Iris germanica organs (leaf, fibrous, tuber, flag, fall). Transcription profiles of IgWRKY32 under 200 g⋅L–1 PEG6000 (B); 150 mM NaCl (C); 42°C (D); 4°C (E); 100 μM ABA (F) treatments in Iris germanica leaves. The transcriptional level at time point 0 h (for the multiple stress experiments) and the leaf (for the organ expression assay) was defined as 1.0. The vertical ordinates represent fold changes and the horizontal ordinates represent treatment times. Error bar represent standard deviations (SD). The data represent means ± SD of three biological replications. Different letters in bar graphs indicate significant differences at p < 0.05. ABA-abscisic acid.