FIG. 2.
(A) Effect of KlGpa1 and KlGpa2 disruption on growth properties and mating of K. lactis cells. Strain 155 (Matα ade2 his3 uraA), containing the wild-type (W.T.) or the disrupted alleles, was grown for 24 h on YPD plates (left) and then was replica plated to a YPD plate containing a lawn of the strain 12/8 (Mata argA lysA uraA) and incubated overnight at 30°C to allow cells to mate. Diploids were selected on SD medium supplemented with uracil (right). Numbers in parentheses, mating efficiencies relative to that of the wild type. Cells of the strain to be mated were combined with cells of the tester strain (12/8) on nitrocellulose membrane filters, placed on the surface of a YPD plate, and incubated overnight at 30°C. Cells were diluted and plated on SD medium. Mating efficiency is defined as the number of diploids divided by the number of haploids of the strain being tested. (B) The ΔKlgpa1 strain carrying either YEpKDHis or YEpKDHis-KlGpa1 was grown on YPD medium for 24 h. Patches were replica plated to a YPD plate containing a lawn of the tester strain, incubated overnight at 30°C, and replica plated to selective medium for diploids. Mating efficiencies (in parentheses) were calculated as for panel A.