Fig. 23.
Morphological features of fully grown gametocytes, which are used for identification of Haemoproteus species parasitizing Psittaciformes birds. Microgametocyte (a) and macrogametocytes (b–e) of Haemoproteus handai (a, b), H. homohandai (c) and H. psittaci (d, e). Note the markedly different form, size and number of pigment granules in gametocytes of H. handai (a), H. homohandai (c) and H. psittaci (e). Image b is from the type material, which is fading, resulting in pale staining and the poorly recognizable pigment granules and nuclei, however the overall form of the gametocyte is readily visible. Long simple arrows—host cell nuclei. Short simple arrows—parasite nuclei. Simple arrowheads—pigment granules. Other explanations are given in the text