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. 2012 Jun;21(124):125–139. doi: 10.1183/09059180.00004711

Table 1. Review of systems and compensation for occupational asthma (OA) and work-aggravated asthma in various countries.

Country Administration Responsible institution Is OA compensated? Is work-aggravated asthma compensated? Examination of cases Total workforce million# List of agents for OA Open system for OA causing agents? Is a positive SIC a pre-condition? Is specific IgE or positive SPT a pre-condition? Is NSBHR a pre-condition? OA cases per year n Degree of disability to be compensated Worker’s possibility to avoid further exposure Permanent disability allocated?
Belgium National agency Public insurance agency with equal number of representatives from trade unions and employers
Insurance premium paid by employers
Yes No Board of specialists 4.87 Yes Yes No No
(if positive SIC)
(if positive SIC)
Mean of 77 claims accepted annually by the Workers’ Compensation Board between 1992 and 2002 Yes (based on airway obstruction, NSBHR and medications) plus additional award based on reduced chances on the job market Yes Yes
Canada 18.99+
 Quebec Agency Employers public insurance
Administrative board with equal number of representatives from trade unions and employers
Insurance premium paid by employers
Yes Variable Specialists 4.29§ No Yes Yes, if feasible No No 40–70 0–100% Yes Yes
 Ontario Agency: Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Employers Yes Yes Medical information from physicians that may include specialists
Claim decision reached by a claims adjudicator with additional physician input if considered needed
7.32§ No Yes No No Not an absolute pre-condition but helpful ∼20 per year by 2002 Yes Yes
Finland National agency Employers/insurers Yes Specialists 2.64 304 (in 2002) Yes
France Regional agencies Employers Yes Variable Social security practitioners 28.35 Yes Yes No No No (but pulmonary function tests compulsory) 222 (in 2009) 0–100% Yes Yes
Germany Branch-oriented statutory accident insurance institutions Employers/insurers Yes Yes Specialists 41.01 No Yes No No No 700ƒ (in 2009) 0–100% (depending on the degree of reduced chances on the job market; 2–3 yrs) Yes Yes
Italy National Employers Yes No Board of specialists 24.29 Yes Yes No No No 167 (in 2003) 0–100% Yes Yes
Norway National agency and private insurance (compulsory) Government employers and private insurers Yes Specialist 2.52 No Yes No No No 174 (in 2000) 15–100% Yes Yes
Denmark National agency Employers and government Yes No Specialists 2.88 Multiple means Yes No No No 50–70 Depending on the degree of reduced chances on the job market Yes Yes
Spain Government agency Employers and government agency Yes No Board of specialists 22.96 Yes No No No Not an absolute
258–294 (in 2000–2003) No Yes Yes
The Netherlands No specific system Employers and employees No official acceptance No official acceptance Insurance physicians and, in civil cases, chest and occupational physicians 8.62 None ? No
UK Government agency General taxation Yes No Career specialists for assessing occupational diseases 30.79 Multiple With individual proof and due to sensitisation No No No 170 in 2009 At least 14% required No
USA Varies by state Varies by state Varies by state Varies by state Varies by state 153 No Yes No No Varies by state No national data Varies by state Varies by state Varies by state

SIC: specific inhalation challenge testing; Ig: immunoglobulin; SPT: skin-prick test; NSBHR: nonspecific bronchial responsiveness. #: data from [118]; : data from the Fonds des Maladies Professionnelles–Fonds voor de Beroepsziekten; +: data from [119]; §: data from [120]; ƒ: also includes objective cases with work-aggravated asthma or occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Modified and extended with data from [121].