Cyst-related lung malignancies might be more common than expected, as the early manifestations of solid masses may not always be captured. a–c) Baseline and follow-up computed tomography (CT) scans in a 54-year-old female retrospectively show a cystic airspace with asymmetrical wall thickening, as a precursor of a solid mass 3 years later. d, e) Baseline CT scans in a 57-year-old male retrospectively show a cystic airspace with asymmetrical wall thickening, as a precursor of a solid mass 4 years later. f–h) Baseline and follow-up CT scans in a 60-year-old male with oesophageal carcinoma retrospectively show a thick-walled cystic lesion, as a precursor of a solid mass 2 years later. All three cyst-related lesions were not acknowledged as being suspicious. Potentially, these three adenocarcinomas could have been diagnosed at a lower T-stadium.