Specific interventions evaluated by included reviews (not an exhaustive list)
Intervention area | Specific interventions evaluated by included reviews |
Vaccination | BCG vaccination: universal or selective (contacts and high-risk groups) |
Screening | Pre-, post- and point-of-arrival testing for active TB or LTBI in migrants |
Active case finding in primary care settings, and in high-risk and vulnerable population groups | |
Diagnosis | Diagnostic accuracy of TST versus IGRA |
Drug susceptibility testing | |
Treatment | Efficacy and safety of drug regimens for treating LTBI |
Therapeutic drug monitoring | |
Nutritional supplementation | |
Diabetes | |
Adherence | Directly observed treatment, incentives, lay healthcare workers and reminder systems |
HIV/TB | Efficacy and safety of antiretroviral therapy for treating HIV and/or drug regimens for treating LTBI |
Diagnostic accuracy of TST versus IGRA | |
Drug susceptibility testing | |
Service integration | |
MDR-TB | Efficacy and safety of drug regimens for treating MDR-TB |
Efficacy and safety of drug regimens for preventing MDR-TB in contacts of MDR-TB cases | |
Directly observed therapy and care models | |
Contacts and transmission | Contact investigation |
Whole genome sequencing | |
Air travel | |
Healthcare-associated infection | Serial screening for TB in healthcare workers |
Clinical prediction rules | |
Social support and vulnerable groups | Socioeconomic and psychosocial support |
Reaching vulnerable groups | |
Healthcare systems | Integrated care models |
Scaling up | |
Task shifting | |
Pregnancy and sex | Efficacy and safety of drug regimens for treating active TB, LTBI and MDR-TB |
Sex-specific approaches to TB diagnosis and treatment | |
Prisons | Isoniazid preventive therapy |
Environment and behaviours | Smoking, second-hand tobacco smoke and indoor air pollution |
Alcohol |
TB: tuberculosis; MDR-TB: multidrug-resistant TB; BCG: bacille Calmette–Guerin; LTBI: latent TB infection; TST: tuberculin skin test; IGRA: interferon γ-release assay.