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. 2019 May 29;28(152):180107. doi: 10.1183/16000617.0107-2018


Specific interventions evaluated by included reviews (not an exhaustive list)

Intervention area Specific interventions evaluated by included reviews
Vaccination BCG vaccination: universal or selective (contacts and high-risk groups)
Screening Pre-, post- and point-of-arrival testing for active TB or LTBI in migrants
Active case finding in primary care settings, and in high-risk and vulnerable population groups
Diagnosis Diagnostic accuracy of TST versus IGRA
Drug susceptibility testing
Treatment Efficacy and safety of drug regimens for treating LTBI
Therapeutic drug monitoring
Nutritional supplementation
Adherence Directly observed treatment, incentives, lay healthcare workers and reminder systems
HIV/TB Efficacy and safety of antiretroviral therapy for treating HIV and/or drug regimens for treating LTBI
Diagnostic accuracy of TST versus IGRA
Drug susceptibility testing
Service integration
MDR-TB Efficacy and safety of drug regimens for treating MDR-TB
Efficacy and safety of drug regimens for preventing MDR-TB in contacts of MDR-TB cases
Directly observed therapy and care models
Contacts and transmission Contact investigation
Whole genome sequencing
Air travel
Healthcare-associated infection Serial screening for TB in healthcare workers
Clinical prediction rules
Social support and vulnerable groups Socioeconomic and psychosocial support
Reaching vulnerable groups
Healthcare systems Integrated care models
Scaling up
Task shifting
Pregnancy and sex Efficacy and safety of drug regimens for treating active TB, LTBI and MDR-TB
Sex-specific approaches to TB diagnosis and treatment
Prisons Isoniazid preventive therapy
Environment and behaviours Smoking, second-hand tobacco smoke and indoor air pollution

TB: tuberculosis; MDR-TB: multidrug-resistant TB; BCG: bacille Calmette–Guerin; LTBI: latent TB infection; TST: tuberculin skin test; IGRA: interferon γ-release assay.