A) Growth curve of strains C (red), L (green), and S (blue) showing a similar doubling time. The error bars represent the standard deviation of three independent experiments. (
B) I-
SceI induction ratio measured by transcription quantitative reverse PCR (RT-qPCR) using primers hybridizing into the I-
SceI coding sequence. The error bars represent the standard deviation of three independent experiments, except for 6 hr done two times. (
C) Quantification of red and white cells in strains C and S, 48 hr after I-
SceI induction on galactose plates before DNA extraction and PCR amplification around the I-
SceI cut site (cs) of those strains. The error bars represent the standard deviation of two independent experiments, the total amount of counted cells was around 200/experiment. If the recipient I-
SceI cs containing sequence is fully repaired by homologous recombination with the donor dCen plasmid, it cannot be cut by I-
SceI in vitro. pGPS2 I-
SceI cs containing plasmid is used as a control for in vitro digestion. (
D) Boxplot of 2D distances measured in μm between the spindle pole body (SPB) (SPC29-mCherry, red) and dCen plasmid containing tetO repeats, labeled in green (TetR-GFP). As references, chromosome loci labeled either close to the centromere (YDR003w, 5 kb from CenIV) or the telomere (YER188C, 8 kb from TELVR) are shown. Between n=169, 3520 and 3461 cells were analyzed for each strain in three independent experiments. Brackets indicate the result of a rank-sum test between distributions, with ‘n.s.’ for ‘not significant’ (p>0.05) and *** for p<10
–3. Below, examples of cell nuclei with the two red and green labeled loci allowing calculation of the SPB-loci distances. As expected, the donor sequence dCen on the centromeric plasmid is located close to the SPB, the subtelomeric sequence far from it, see
Therizols et al., 2010.