Recruitment, Enrollment, and Retention.
a Grade 1–6, prescription of daily ICS, ACT score < 19 or 1 or more hospitalizations/ED visits/prescriptions for oral steroids in the past year, and poor adherence to daily ICS therapy, ability to speak English or Spanish.
b Reasons why providers did not refer children to Asthma Link and/or clinical study: family did not attend pediatric office visit, provider did not have enough time to bring up Asthma Link and the clinical study, child’s asthma already well-controlled, family not interested in participating in Asthma Link and/or clinical study.
c Reasons why children were not enrolled into clinical study: Unable to reach child’s family by phone to enroll in study, serious co-morbid illness in the last 5 years, planning to move out of the school district within the next year, having a sibling in the study, and having a developmental delay that would prevent participation.
d Families that did not complete an earlier follow-up survey were permitted to complete later follow-up surveys.