Fig. 5. Metabolic changes following the return to a chow diet after sustained HFD feeding.
A Hourly food intake (FI), B cumulative hourly FI, C 24 h FI, and D 24 h FI adjusted to body weight (BW) continuously measured on male and female mice within Promethion metabolic cages on HFD followed by a switch to chow as indicated. E Energy expenditure (EE), F percentage change in EE in the dark and light phases on chow compared to when on HFD, G EE adjusted to BW, H percentage change in EE adjusted to BW in the dark and light phases on chow compared to when on HFD, I distance travelled in voluntary locomotion (pedmeters), J percentage change in pedmeters in the dark and light phases on chow compared to when on HFD, K time spent asleep, L percentage change in time spent asleep in the dark and light phases on chow compared to when on HFD, average (M) hourly and N 24 h respiratory quotient (RQ), and average 24 h RQ in the O dark and P light phases on day 3 of chow (Diet D3) compared to that of constantly chow-fed mice measured within Promethion metabolic cages. Shaded grey areas represent dark phase, dotted line indicates start of chow feeding. Data are means ± SEM of eight per group. Data were analysed by RM two-way ANOVA except for B where final cumulative differences were assessed by Student’s t test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 compared to HFD or as indicated.