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. 2022 Sep 8;13:928311. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.928311


Patients (n = 250) and caregivers (n = 250) characteristics.

Characteristics Patients M ± SD or n (%) Caregivers M ± SD or n (%)
Age 70.94 ± 12.86 60.20 ± 13.31
 Male 139(55.6) 98(39.2)
 Female 111(44.4) 152(60.8)
Education level
 ≤ Middle school 192(76.8) 176(70.4)
 >Middle school 58(23.2) 74(29.6)
Marital status
 Married 193(77.2) 240(96.0)
 Single/divorced/widowed 57(22.8) 10(4.0)
Years of illness (year) 4.12 ± 5.04
Number of hospitalizations in 1 year 1.88 ± 1.31
NYHA class
 II 29(11.6)
 III 117(46.8)
 IV 104(41.6)
LVEF (%) 51.32 ± 15.86
BMI (kg/m2)
<18.5 17(6.8)
18.5∼ 113(45.2)
24.0∼ 81(32.4)
≥ 28.0 39(15.6)
CCI 4.32 ± 1.64
Smoking 90(36.0)
Drinking 77(30.8)
Relationship to patient
 Parent 4(1.6)
 Spouse 137(54.8)
 Daughter or son 95(38.0)
 Friend 2(0.8)
 Other 12(4.8)
 Unemployed or retired 88(35.2)
 Employed 162(64.8)
Monthly income (CNY)
 <2000 30(12.0)
 2000∼ 145(58.0)
 ≥ 5000 75(30.0)
Total time spent in care (year)
 ≤ 1 139(55.6)
 >1 111(44.4)
Hours per day spent caregiving (hour)
 ≤ 2 92(36.8)
 >2 158(63.2)
Current illness
 Hypertension 39(15.6)
 Diabetes mellitus 12(4.8)
 Heart disease 6(2.4)
 Others 3(1.2)

NYHA, New York Heart Association; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; LVEF, Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction; BMI, Body Mass Index; CNY, China Yuan.